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Q: Where is the Industrial Design Department located?
A: It is on the fourth floor of the Innovation Building.

Q: What are the office hours of the department office and the internship factory?
A: The office hours are from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (with a break between 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM).

Q: What are the extension numbers for the department assistant and technician?
A: The extension number for Miss Chou, the department assistant, is 3200, and the extension number for Mr. Su, the department technician, is 3202.

Q: When can I use the internship factory?
A: Please use it during working hours. After-work hours or holidays the presence and guidance of a teacher are required.

Q: I would like to apply for study abroad at a foreign university. Can you provide me with a certificate of English proficiency?
A: Please take the relevant English proficiency tests on your own. The school is unable to provide a certificate of English proficiency.

Q:What equipment and facilities can be found at the Department of Industry Design?
A:The Innovation Building is equipped with various laboratories, and instruments to fully serve the purposes of both teaching and research. In the aspect of theoretical research, all teachers are frequently involved in research projects sponsored by National Science Council and other private and government organizations. They publish in the Industrial Design Quarterly, and many of them have been awarded research grants and prizes.

Q: Do foreign students need to complete a one-year internship?
A: Foreign students are not required to complete a one-year internship, but they can participate in the teacher's research projects or design projects.

Q: I am an undergraduate foreign student. Can I take courses in the graduate program of the Industrial Design Department?
A: Yes, you can. If you plan to continue studying in the master's program of the department, you can take graduate courses during your senior year and have the credits waived.

Q: If I have a form that needs to be signed by the department chair, but the chair is not in the office, what should I do?
A: You can ask the department office for assistance.

Q: Can we cook our own food in the department research lab?
A: Due to safety concerns, please refrain from cooking food in the research lab.