

最後更新日期 : 2024-09-26

論文徵稿 Call for Papers







請將著作授權同意書(PDF、圖片檔皆可)及論文全文稿件(word或open office檔案)壓縮成單一檔案後,上傳至報名系統。

2. 上傳論文及全文稿件之Word或Open Office電子檔投稿系統上傳著作授權同意書。


(三)議程公告:最遲於2024年11月15日(星期五) 前公告。



洽詢:明志科技大學工業設計系周秘書  新北市泰山區工專路84號





Call for Paper
2024 Technology and Education International Conference

We invite you to submit your research papers to 2023 Technology and Education International Conference. The conference will be hold in Ming Chi University, new Taipei City, Taiwan on November 17, 2023. It will provide a unified communication platform for researchers with design.

Collaboration & Innovation
Design innovation has always been the main goal by various industries, and a value-added novelty through the new production technology or the exploration of economic activities as well as social spheres.  Design innovation, renewal and enlargement of products, services, and markets; development of new methods of production; and the establishment of new management systems, it is both a collaboration process and a value-added outcome.

Taiwan has entered a stage of highly professional industrialization, it is essential to increase the ability for the emerging global issues and value-added developments through design innovation.  For the global sustainable management SDGs issues, we need to strategically prepare how to create effective or meaningful solutions in order to enhance the international competitiveness of the industry by innovating and collaborating the right fields and professions.  Taiwan is well located in the highly developed position of the global industry, along with professional production technology, free market and highly flexible management strategy.  With such a unique environment, it is strongly believed that through the practice of interdisciplinary collaboration, Taiwan design innovation will be able to provide fruitful design solutions for global SDGs and develop the core value of Taiwan’s design industry at the same time.

Conference Topics

A. Education for Design
B. Research Methods for Design
C. Interaction Design
D. Human Factor for Design
E. Production Design
F. Multi-media Design
G. Design Management
H. Interior Design
I. Visual Communication
J. Others

Important Date

Full Paper submission: Nov. 3 2023
Notification of Acceptance: Nov. 15 2023

Submission Guidelines

A. Please visit the conference official website for registration
B. Please submit your paper (.doc/pdf) and copyright form(150dpi jpg) via the website.
C. All of authors must submit the copyright forms.

Formatting Guidelines

A. The length of full paper is limited in 6 pages
B. Paper template
C. Copyright form template

For further information, please contact ailin@mail.mcut.edu.tw
