最後更新日期 : 2023-08-21



姓名:謝國榮Kuo-Jung Hsieh


學歷:英國倫敦藝術大學 工業設計 碩士




1.    Hsieh, K.J., Browne, E.J., 2016, “Technology Craft – Fusing Everyday Technology into Creative Craft Design”, Industrial Design, Vol.44, No.1, p19-24
2.    Lo, C.H., Tang, C.Y., Lin, P.T., Hsieh, K.J., Liu, Y.C. & Chiou, W.K., 2013, “Are human faces more attractive with glasses?”, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers”, Vol. 29, Issue 2, pages 125-135 (TSSCI)
3.    Cheng-Hung Lo, Jean-Lon Chen, Kuo-Jung Hsieh, Wen-Ko Chiou, 2011, “An EEG investigation of the brain activities in a creative design task”, Neuroscience Letters, Vol. 500S, Page e48 (SCI) 
4.    Hsieh, K.J., Lai, J.L., Lin, P.Y., Jiang, F.K., 2008, “The Study of Schema in Chinese Character Recognition”, Industrial Design, Vol. 36, No. 2, p194-200
5.    Yen, C.C., Woolley, M., Hsieh, K.J., 2002, “Action Case Research: A Method for the Accumulation of Design Theory/Practice Knowledge in Practice”, Working Paper in Art and Design, Vol. 2 

1.     Hsieh, K.J., Browne, E.J., 2020, “Alternative Craft Approach for New Product Development - The Paper Didn’t Burn”, 2020 Technology and Teaching Symposium, Taipei
2.     Wen-Ko Chiou, W.K., Lin, M.L., Hsieh, K.J., Liu, Y.C., Huang, D.H., Liu, C.Y., Lin, R., 2020, “We’ll App and Corporate Mandala Improves Mental Health and Creativity”, HCII 2020, US
3.     Hsieh, K.J., Browne, E.J., 2015, “Technology Craft – Fusing Everyday Technology into Creative Craft Design”, 2015 Technology and Teaching Symposium, Taipei
4.    Lee, W.S., Hsieh, K.J., 2015, “The Study of Product Design Color Style in Relation to Consumer Preference”, 2015 Technology and Teaching Symposium, Taipei
5.     Yang, C.Y., Lin, P.T., Lo, C.H., Chiou, W.K., Hsieh, K.J., Liu, Y.C., 2011, “Affective Glasses Frame Design to Enhance Facial Symmetry and Attractiveness”, The 2nd IASTED International Conference on Computational Bioscience (CompBio 2011), Cambridge, UK (EI)
6.    Lo, C.H., Chen, Max J.L., Hsieh, K.J, Chiou, W.K., 2011, “An EEG Investigation of the Brain Activities in a Creative Design Task”, The 2011 Meeting of the Society of Applied Neurosciences (SAN), Greece
7.    Yang, C.Y., Lin, P.T., Lo, C.H., Chiou, W.K., Hsieh, K.J., Liu, Y.C., 2010. “Symmetrical Glasses Frame Designs Enhance the Attractiveness of Faces”, MCP-Asia Pacific 2010 Conference, Taipei
8.    Chou, Y.J., Browne, E.J., Hsieh, K.J., 2009. “The Influence of Colour Contrast in Reading Dynamic Public Information Display”, Technology and Teaching Symposium 2009, Taipei
9.    Huang, D.H., Hsieh K.J., Liang, Y.C., Hsiao, K.A., Chiou, W.K., 2008. “An interdisciplinary collaboration approach: Scenario-based new product development”, The Second International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management, Taipei
10.    Wang, M.H., Hsiao, K.A., Hsieh, K.J., Chiou, W.K., 2008. “Interdisciplinary Collaboration Design in New Product Development-The Role of Industrial Design”, The Second International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management, Taipei
11.    Hsieh, K.J., Lai, J.L., Lin, P.Y., Jiang, F.K., 2008, “The Study of Schema in Chinese Character Recognition”, 2008 Technology and Teaching Symposium, p194-200, Taipei
12.    Chen, C.Y., Hsieh, K.J., Wang, M.C., Chou, W.K., 2008, “The Relation of Form Preference and Eye Fixation”, 2008 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Symposium, Tao-Tuan, Taiwan
13.    Chuang, H.C., Wang, M.C., Hsieh, K.J., Chou, W.K., 2008, “The Influence of Visual Search on Interface Operation”, 2008 Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Symposium, Tao-Tuan, Taiwan
14.    Hsieh, K.J., Browne, E.J., 2008, “A Case Study of Eye Tracking Techniques in Elderly Technology Design”, 13th CID Annual Design Conference, Taiwan
15.    Chen, C.H., Cho, E.Y., Lee, P.J., Hsieh, K.J., 2008, “The Design Case Study of Smart Home Care Product”, 13th CID Annual Design Conference, Taiwan
16.    Hsieh, K.J., Browne, E.J., 2005, “An Eye Tracking Technique Towards Form Reasoning in Design Practices”, 2005 International Design Congress, Taiwan
17.    Hsieh, K.J., Woolley, M.S., 2005, “The Potential Influence of Subjective Usages in the User Centre Design Development”, Global Chinese Industrial Design Conference 2005, Tao-Yuan, Taiwan
18.    Hsieh, K.J., Hsieh, E.J., 2001, “The Influence of Cultural Form Characteristics in Relation to Operational Cognition”, 5th ADC International Symposium on Design Science, Korean 
19.    Jian, J.Y., Chou, W.K., Hsieh, K.J., 2001, “Safety Issues of Motorbike Mobile Design”, 2001 Ergonomics Society of Taiwan Annual Conference, p261-265, Taipei 
20.    Hsieh, K.J., 1999, “A From of Creation in Micro-Electronic Objects – External Utility”, 1999 Technology and Teaching Symposium, Taipei
21.    Hsieh, K.J., 1997, “User/Creator”, 97’ Cross-Strait & International Industrial Design Symposium, p77-81, Taipei
22.    Hsieh, K.J., 1997, “An Investigation into Technological Characteristics to Explore Interface Design of Micro-Electronic Products”, 1997 Technology and Teaching Symposium, p163-170, Taipei

1.    Mao, C.H., Browne, E.J, Hsieh, K.J., 2008, “The Fashion and Design of Formosa Biomedical FORTE”, You, H.M., Chou, W.K. edit, “Formosa Business Case Study 3 – Learning Innovation from Formosa”, Yuan-Liou Publishing, Taipei, p76-93

1.    Ministry of Science and Technology Research Project, Smart Craft – From Modular Concept to New Craft Design Approach (MOST106-2410-H-182-016), Principal Investigator, 2017.08.01 - 2018.07.31
2.    Ministry of Science and Technology Research Project, Technology Craft – Fusing Everyday Technology into Creative Craft Design (NSC102-2218-E-182-007), Principal Investigator, 2013.10.01 - 2014.06.30 
3.    National Science Council Research Project, Tangible Interfaces: An Design Investigation of How to Embed Sentiment into Materials (NSC 99-2218-E-182-006), Co-Principal Investigator, 2010.09.01 - 2011.05.31
4.    National Science Council Research Project, Creative Textile Materials for Sensational Product Innovation Design (NSC 98-2218-E-182-007), Co-Principal Investigator, 2009.09.01 - 2010.05.31
5.    National Science Council Research Project, Design Research on Technological Products – The Interaction of Technology and Product Design in the Ageing Society (III) (NSC 94-2213-E-182-011), Principal Investigator, 2005.08.01 - 2006.07.31
6.    National Science Council Research Project, Design Research on Technological Products – The Interaction of Technology and Product Design in the Ageing Society (II) (NSC 93-2213-E-182-015), Principal Investigator, 2004.08.01 - 2005.07.31
7.    National Science Council Research Project, Design Research on Technological Products – The Interaction of Technology and Product Design in the Ageing Society (I) (NSC92- 2213-E-182-007), Principal Investigator, 2003.08.01 - 2004.07.31
8.    National Science Council Research Project, Investigation of the safety implications and the design of an in-car Information System (2/2) (NSC91- 2213-E-011-065), Co-Principal Investigator, 2002.08.01 - 2003.07.31 
9.    National Science Council Research Project, The Ergonomic Safety Research and Design of Mobile Phones Whilst Driving Motorbikes under Electromagnetic Environment (2/2) (NSC92- 2213-E-182-012), Co-Principal Investigator, 2002.08.01 - 2003.07.31   
10.    National Science Council Research Project, An Investigation into the concept of Open-Use within electronic object to explore user centered design principles (NSC90-2218-E-182-006), Principal Investigator, 2001.08.01 - 2002.07.31
11.    National Science Council Research Project, Investigation of the safety implications and the design of an in-car Information System (1/2) (NSC90-2218-E-11-023), Co-Principal Investigator, 2001.08.01 - 2002.07.31    
12.    National Science Council Research Project, The Ergonomic Safety Research and Design of Mobile Phones Whilst Driving Motorbikes under Electromagnetic Environment (1/2) (NSC90-2218-E-182-008), Co-Principal Investigator, 2001.08.01 - 2002.07.31 
13.    National Science Council Research Project, The Influence of Cultural Characteristics in Relation to Operational Cognition (NSC 89-2213-E-182-032), Principal Investigator, 2000.08.01 - 2001.07.31

產學合作 / 教育部計畫
1.     MOE Teaching Practice Research Program, 建構以設計思考為導向的跨系合作學習模式及其成效評估—原鄉青草植物的認識與創意應用(EMRPD1K0601), Co-Principle Investigator, 2020.08.1 – 2021.7.31
2.     NKFG Corporation Industry-University Cooperative Project,適用於高齡照護及褥瘡感染患者之UV LED殺菌燈產品之設計與研究-子計畫三 (FCRPD3H0021), Co-Principle Investigator, 2018.11.1 – 2021.6.30 (NT 1,014,666)
3.     New Taipei City Cultural Bureau, 106年度文創藝術、設計媒合產業補助計畫 – 滬尾再現計畫, Principal Investigator, 2017.12.08 – 2018.04.30 (NT 140,000)
4.     HealthStream International Industry-University Cooperative Project, Telling The Story – The Creation And Application Of Visual Strategies Which Express the Values, Characteristics And Ambitions Of Intenza Brand (SCRPD3E0081), Principle Investigator, 2015.12.1 – 2016.12.31 (NT 990,761)
5.     HealthStream International Industry-University Cooperative Project, Intenza Brand Identity and Product Development(SCRPD3B0011), Co-Principle Investigator, 2012.01.01–2013.02.15, (NT 1,136,621)
6.     Chang Gung Medical Equipment Industry-University Cooperative Project, Product Design - Medical Case Cart (FCRPD380041), Principal Investigator, 2009.05.01 – 2010.10.31, (NT 1,008,370) 
7.     A-SO Industry Practice Base Design Project, BESO Branding and Product Development (SCRPD380011), Co-Principal Investigator, 2009.03.01 – 2010.02.28, (NT 1,600,000)
8.     Chang Gung Research Project, Eye Movement Researches and Elderly Behaviors - The Elderly Cognitive Analysis through Eye Movement Patterns in Different Information Layouts (UARPD370191), Principal Investigator, 2008.07.01 - 2009.08.31
9.     A-SO Industry Industry-University Cooperative Project, BESO Branding and Cooperate Identity (SCRPD370011), Co-Principal Investigator, 2008.02.05 - 2009.02.05, (NT 1,489,130)
10.     Dong Ying Modeling Industry-University Cooperative Project, New Product Design Model – The Collaboration between Manufacture and Designer (SCRPD360041), Principal Investigator, 2007.06.01 – 2007.12.31
11.     Chang Gung Research Project, International Branding Strategy for FORTE (II) (UARPD350012), Industry-University Cooperative Project, Co-Principal Investigator, 2006.08.01 - 2007.07.31, (NT 1,198,950)
12.     Chang Gung Research Project, International Branding Strategy for FORTE (I) (UARPD340011), Industry-University Cooperative Project, Co-Principal Investigator, 2006.01.01 - 2006.07.31, (NT 2,170,000)

2019    Best Teaching Award, Chang Gung University
2014      Excellent Design Award – [Sky and Ground], Insight Concept Design, Department of Engineering and Technologies, MOST
2014          Excellent Design Award – [Smart Decoration], Insight Concept Design, Department of Engineering and Technologies, MOST 
2014      Excellent Design Award – [The Paper Didn’t Burn], Insight Concept Design, Department of Engineering and Technologies, MOST
2008    Bronze Award, 2008 Taipei Cultural and Creative Promotional Merchandise Competition 
2004    Best Teaching Award, Chang Gung University
2000    Best Teaching Award, Chang Gung University

指導學生獲獎 / 計畫
2020    Finalist, 2020 Taiwan International Student Design Competition, [Touchable]
2011    Red Dot Design Concept 2011, [Baby Q]
2011    iF Concept Award 2011, [Baby Q]
2010    Gold Award, Exhibition Design, Taiwan Young Designers’ Award, [Proto Star]
2009    National Science Council Student Research Project, The readability of dynamic speed and color contrast in public information display signage (NSC 98-2815-C-182-013-E), Supervision, 2009.07.01 - 2010.02.28
2009    Honorable Mention, 2009 Taiwan International Design Competition, [Green Night Market] 
2000    Gold Award, [Play], 2nd Sampo Living Design Competition
1999    Excellent Award, LG International Design Competition, [NUNA]

1.    Hsieh, K.J., Yang, F.L., 2011, “The Structure of First-Aid Box”, New Patent, Patent No. M403342, Taiwan (Patent Right: Chang Gung Medical Co.) (FCRPD380041) (2011.05.11)
2.    Su, W.J., Wang, C.Y., Chen, C.C., Hsieh, K.J., 2002, “Hand Free Mobile Communication Device”, New Patent, Patent No. 91202269, Taiwan (Pattern Right: Chou, W.K.) (NSC91-2213-E-182-012)

